Jennifer Antunez Lopez

As an immigrant— born in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico and raised in San Diego, CA— Jennifer Antunez Lopez continues to face change, adversity, and growth with an encouraging spirit. When Jennifer turned 4, her parents immigrated to the U.S. in search of a better life while she remained in Mexico with family. By the age of 6, she reunited with her parents on U.S. soil, and embarked on a path known too well by immigrants: an uphill battle towards achieving the best for herself, family, and community. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, she saw her family and community endure relentless challenges, from gang violence, to poverty, to scarce resources. Having endured these countless injustices, Jennifer was determined to leverage her skills and passions to find ways to help her community flourish, a journey she continues on to this day.
Jennifer is a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Society and Environment with a concentration in justice and sustainability. At Berkeley, Jennifer held roles in the New Student Services (NSS) department, the Fraternity and Sorority Life department, and the Chicanx Latinx Student Development (CLSD) Office. During her tenure with the various departments at Berkeley, Jennifer gained hands-on experience planning large-scale events with a focus on centering underserved communities. These student-centered initiatives inspired Jennifer to pursue a career dedicated to providing essential resources to marginalized communities.
Jennifer will pursue a Master’s in Education, with the aim of supporting and empowering first-generation college students along their academic paths. However, Jennifer's commitment to community betterment extends beyond higher education; she also aspires to attend law school. Driven by a belief in equitable access to education and the importance of robust support for educators, she is dedicated to working towards government reforms that will enhance our education system.
As a DreamSF Fellow placed at Jubilee Immigration Advocates, Jennifer hopes to understand how the legal system can best support vulnerable communities. During her time at Jubilee, Jennifer will work closely with staff and attorneys on immigration cases to bring legal relief to those who are in need of low-cost/free immigration legal services.
Although Jennifer continues to pave her way towards continuous professional development in hopes of achieving her dreams, she is still just a girl who just wants to live, laugh, love. When she is not planning her next academic/career goal you can find her connecting with nature at the park enjoying a bag of hot chips with a nice cold Dr. Pepper. Oh, and did we mention she is on a mission to collect Sony Angels and Smiskis? What can we say, between her love for Pinterest, TikTok, and Flaming Hot Doritos, Sony Angels still come out on top.