Denisse Camarena Romo

Denisse Camarena migrated with her family to the United States when she was one years old in hopes of a better future. Growing up, she always knew she would face and endure hardships in her life due to her immigration status. This became her motivation to do better and excel in academics in order to achieve her goals. As a senior in high school, she realized that going to college in Arizona was not an option since she could not access financial aid. Determined, Denisse instead used this as motivation to have a fresh start.
In order to pursue higher education and seek more opportunities, Denisse lives in the Bay Area and attends Berkeley City College. Her goal is to transfer to University of California, Berkeley for a bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She believes that in order to succeed in a fast paced country, such as the United States, taking care of the body and mind is most important. Denisse aspires to help people become the healthiest versions of themselves, especially in a time where work and obligations have become a priority.
As a Dream SF Fellow, Denisse is placed at Jubilee Immigration Advocates, a non-profit that provides legal representation to marginalized immigrants. She hopes to expand her knowledge in immigration law and help the immigrant community of the San Francisco Bay Area.
In her free time, she likes to go for walks, dance, and do pilates. Denisse enjoys doing low impact workouts to put her mind at ease while also having a positive impact on her body. She also likes spending quality time with her close friends and family.