Miguel Castillo

Miguel Castillo was born in Oaxaca, Mexico and immigrated to the United States with his family when he was 3 years old. His family could no longer sustain themselves economically due to the surprise birth of his two younger twin brothers, and therefore settled down in Santa Barbara, where Miguel was raised. He is now a sophomore at San Francisco State University studying Business Marketing. After college he hopes to either go to graduate school or pursue law.
Miguel’s DreamSF placement is with Legal Services for Children (LSC), an organization that seeks to help immigrant youth through legal support. At LSC, Miguel works alongside attorneys, social workers, and support staff to find and reach out to those who may be eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). He has learned how to help individuals through the screening process and has constructed workshops and events with other members of LSC. As he continues to do work related to his dream of being an attorney, he also does research on the impact of the workshops and clinics to devise ways to better the experiences of the youth that is being helped. Working with an organization that focuses its resources on helping youth allows for interaction with different age groups and broadens his outreach skills. He is currently helping LSC reach their current goal of 40 DACA approvals by the end of this calendar year.