Jennifer Sotz

Jennifer Sotz immigrated to the United States from Honduras when she was ten years old. She currently attends San Francisco State University, majoring in Criminal Justice. After graduating from college, she plans to attend law school to become an immigration lawyer. She is passionate about helping the immigrant community have access to resources in their language. During her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.
As DACA recipients, Karina and Jennifer are able to empathize with the clients they work with at their placement, Catholic Charities CYO. Through their innovative proposals, Catholic Charities is able to plan and implement various outreach opportunities to inform those that are eligible for DACA and help them through the application process. Jennifer and Karina will also be contacting press and working within different media outlets to ensure that those who are eligible for DACA are aware of the different resources that are available to them. Following the announcement of the DACA renewal process, Karina and Jennifer are working to ensure Catholic Charities CYO clients are aware of their need to renew their requests for Deferred Action. They are also working on various other types of immigration cases, such as U-Visas.