Erick Pari

Erick Pari was born in Lima, Peru and came to the United States with his family when he was twelve years old, without the premonition that he was going to stay this long in the States. The challenges that he faced when he was growing up mainly consisted of language barriers, communication, and cultural differences, but that didn’t stop him in pursuing his goals in life. He graduated from the Community College of San Francisco with a degree in Culinary Arts. He enjoys working in the field of cooking, but because of his experiences being undocumented, has decided to also advocate for and help out his community.
Erick is an individual that has always been very passionate about enabling and working with youth and has been placed within LYRIC, an organization that seeks to empower marginalized LGBTQQ youth to become leaders. He is currently working with the Undocuqueer community, a group of undocumented, young, queer individuals, to help create a safe space and programs for these individuals to grow. He will work alongside his mentors at LYRIC to create a program that will inspire these youth to get involved in their communities and promote change. Erick will also create workshops and help participate in activities that will ensure that these children will be able to comfortably place themselves in the workforce and their community. His duties also include creating and improving programs that will guarantee that these LGBTQQ youth are mentally and physically healthy, have healthy relationships, are self-sufficient, and can contribute to their communities.