Lily Huang Chen

Lily Huang was born in Carabobo, Venezuela to a Chinese immigrant family. From a young age, she has always been captivated by the variety and power of language. She never let anything stop her from learning, so even after moving to San Francisco with no English skills, Lily continued to grow. As a low-income, undocumented first-generation college graduate of color, Lily understands the barriers and obstacles ahead of her. However, with the support of her community and family, she is able to walk out of her comfort zone, finding ways to give back and support her community. Currently, she is a volunteer tutor at 826 Valencia, where she provides free online tutoring to middle school and high school students in San Francisco.
Lily is a recent graduate from University of California, Berkeley, where she received a B.A. in Psychology and Spanish Linguistics, with an Education minor. During her college years, she was involved with academic research and community engagement through working in multiple research labs and non-profit organizations. Lily’s position as a research assistant and honor thesis student allowed her to develop a passion for psycholinguistics and education. In the future, Lily plans to obtain a master’s degree in these fields. Furthermore, she is interested in conducting more research that investigates the relationship between linguistic factors and under resourced communities. For her future career, she hopes to work in a position that can allow her to use her multilingual skills and education degree to offer better quality services to her disadvantaged community.
Lily is placed at Jubilee Immigration Advocates for her DreamSF Fellowship. As a fellow, she will be building up immigration law knowledge and familiarizing herself with general office procedures, such as client intake and screening. Her responsibilities include administrative work, client communication, and interpretation/translation in 4 languages (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, and English).
In her free time, Lily likes solving jigsaw puzzles while listening to pop music. She is a foodie and loves trying new dishes. Matcha green tea is her favorite flavor when ordering any kind of dessert.