Jenny Kuang Qiu

Jenny Kuang was born in Barranquilla, Colombia to her Chinese immigrant family, until migrating to the U.S. at 16. She grew up in two worlds, being exposed to both Latin American culture while her family taught her Chinese traditions at home. This experience led Jenny to have a bigger picture of the world, encouraging her to view every difference as unique characteristics that define our individuality.
Jenny is a student at the University of California, Berkeley, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Education. During college, she volunteered as an after-school 1st grade teacher’s assistant at Thomas Edison Charter School. Currently, she is a Spanish and Taishanese translator and interpreter for the Volunteer Health Interpreters Organization (VHIO). Additionally, Jenny is a Spanish translator, parent interviewer, phone screener, birthday cards and newsletters lead for the Family and Culture Lab, a research team from the Psychology Department at UC Berkeley. Although she has yet to work in the immigration legal field, Jenny is eager to learn about different pathways to citizenship, how to fill out application forms, take declarations, the process it takes for every case to be completed, and more. Her dedication to work in this field is driven from her goal to become an immigration attorney in order to help her immigrant community.
As a DreamSF Fellow, Jenny is placed at La Raza Centro Legal on the Removal Defense Team. She assists the legal team by interviewing prospective clients, and gathering information about their immigration cases. She also supports the Executive Director with organizational and communications matters concerning fundraising and development projects, including the annual gala.
Jenny has a cool birthmark on her right arm that looks as if someone else’s arm was glued into her body, because it starts from her fingers and stops right at her shoulder. She has the ability to speak and understand Spanish, English, and Chinese. For Jenny, languages allow her to dive into a world of unique culture and values, and she hopes to learn at least two more languages.