Luri Chen Zheng

Luri Chen Zheng was born and raised in Panama of Chinese heritage. At the age of 15, she moved to the U.S. in pursuit of a better education. Luri is currently an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley, majoring in Spanish Language and Literature while also fulfilling her pre-health degree requirements.
Over the course of two years, Luri has volunteered on a weekly basis at Street Level Health Project. Her bilingual fluency in Spanish and English has allowed her to serve the Latinx community in bridging the language gap in health care. Growing up, Luri experienced first-hand the challenges of obtaining quality health care, especially with language barriers. This experience inspired Luri to pursue a career in the health field, hoping to become a nurse that serves immigrant communities with a holistic approach to health.
Luri also has previously volunteered at the East Bay Sanctuary Covenant where she was able to assist attorneys with interpretation and translation in their declarations and mock interviews for clients seeking political asylum. Currently, Luri is placed at Mujeres Unidas y Activas and will be helping with interpretation, accompanying women to social service agencies as well as planning logistics for upcoming events. Luri is currently being trained on how to better assist and serve survivors of domestic violence.
Luri enjoys hanging out with her mom and friends during her free time and searching for new shops to eat desserts. She like sweets so much that it has motivated her to learn baking some of her favorite desserts!